Friday, August 24, 2012


What can I say about her? She is crazy!! So Paisley will be 9 months on the 29th. she is growing up so fast. she is walking, and crawling, and moving, and getting into everything.

I was able to get a video of paisley walking on the first day she started to. She walks more then that now, but here is one!

Paisley has her 9 month appointment next week, which then I will have her height and weight. She is very entertaining to watch. She loves to talk, scream, wiggle, laugh, and clap.

She is very active, but the only thing I sometimes worry about is her not talking. She doesnt say mama or dada. She will make the sound of dadadadadadadada over and over but doesnt attribute it to zack. So I am not sure if we are doing something wrong, but she hasnt seemed to grasp any of it. And maybe I dont need to worry just yet.

Zack has still been working at Tucanos. He is there all of the time. Hence, why I am writing this at midnight. I am waiting for him to just come home already!

1 comment:

Janelle said...

She is so cute! I can't believe she's already walking! I'm sure you don't need to worry about the talking thing yet. Pretty sure trooper only understands what he's saying when he's says mama. It took him a while to figure that out and I think sometimes its still a little iffy. Hey we need to get together!