Wednesday, December 21, 2011

3 weeks!

So our sweet little Paisley is 3 weeks old already! It amazes us that she is almost a month old. It has really been one heck of a month! We are still trying to get used to her and figuring out more about her every day. She loves to be held and rocked wherever she is going, and so it gives us and many others plenty of time to walk around the house getting her to sleep. It can be kind of difficult at night but know that eventually she will get more on a routine and so will we! It has been very helpful to have family around to who loves to be around her! She has a great grandma who just loves to be around her and hold her, which gives us some time to get some relaxation. She has been great and it would really be a lot more stressful without her! Jessica and Nic have also been great in wanting to see her and help out. Everyone has just been so nice and coming over to help us clean or hold Paisley while we get some things done!

I finished this semester last week and it is such a relief! I am excited for a little break. Zack has a month left before his semester starts and he has just been working like crazy! It is sometimes hard for me because he will work all day at one job, and then go to another one at night. I just miss my husband!! Having Paisley has been wonderful and we love her to death, but I really dont remember what it feels like to just sit with my husband. I am so grateful for him and all that he does. He has been doing so much for me and his little girl, and I just cant thank him enough.

Yesterday was our 3 year anniversary. Zack had to work but we wanted to still have a few minutes to ourselves, so even though he was all dirty from work, he came and got me from his parents house, we had his mom watch Paisley for a little, and we just went and grabbed some quick dinner! It wasnt anything fancy, but it was all I wanted. Just to have some alone time with my amazing husband, and the one person I know I can always count on. These past 3 years have gone by so fast, and we have had some of the most amazing memories and experiences, and we know that we will have so many years to come!

I thought you may enjoy some pictures of Paisley. Grandma Toomey says that she is her gift under the tree. So we went a little camera happy and here are a few. She was just so photogenic, we had to take lots!

This last one is basically the only picture I have of us! 

Monday, December 12, 2011

Birth Story

So this post is a little overdue, but I feel that I have a good reason! I have a few minutes now, so I figure I can try to write as much as possible about the birth story and things.

So my due date was the 27th. The next day, I was hanging out at home with Zack and I was having some cramping on and off. I really didnt think anything of it, but also started to get some shooting pains in some not so fun places. Again, didnt think much of it, because it was not in my stomach, and it wasnt too bad in  pain. I decided to take a bath and then start to make Zack dinner. Just as I put the pasta out of the strainer with the sauce on it to be stirred, I felt a little gush. But it wasnt exactly what I was expecting, and so I told Zack I thought my water broke, but I was not sure. Of course, I started to freak out and get really scared, and told him I think it was my water, and we needed to head to the hospital. Zack did so well and was trying to calm me down and tell me it was going to be ok.

We get to the hospital and I was still not having any contractions, and they checked me and I was dilated only to a 1 1/2, but they did say it was my water. However, I whole water bag didnt break. So they had me walk around the hospital for an hour, and after that I was only dilated to a 2 1/2. I then started cramping often and it was getting pretty painful. And it was determined that these were my contractions, and I was just never going to feel them in my stomach. Around midnight I was only dilated to a 4, and my full water bag still didnt break. Little Miss Paisley was also jumping around in my stomach so much that her heart rate was so high that they needed to calm her down. So I decided to get the epidural around 2am. Jessica stayed in with me to get it. I cant believe she stayed with me the whole time they were doing it! So, after the first attempt ( yes first attempt ) they needed to do it again. Apparently, I dont take heavy drugs well. It takes a lot for me to get sedated.

The next morning the rest of my water still didnt break, and so my doctor came at 1030 am and broke the rest and then it was fast from there! They came back an hour later and I was dilated to a 5 1/2 and then a half hour later to an 8!!!! I was feeling a ton of pressure and then it was ready to push. So after only an hour of pushing, Miss Paisley made her debut into the world at 3:50 pm.

Paisley Michelle Toomey came into the world.
November, 29, 2011
She weighed 8 lbs 7 oz and was 19 inches.

Me and Zack just love her to death. And its been of course something we need to get used to, and a huge adjustment, but a great blessing!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Due Date...But

Thats right. Today is the due date for our little girl to be born. However, after all day of waiting, she is still not here, and I am not surprised at all. But, someone told me yesterday that they read our blog everyday, and want to see pictures. And let me tell you, I was shocked! I honestly didnt really think we had people that read our blog, especially because I am so bad at keeping up with it. But it made me feel good that someone cares enough about our lives, to check to see if I update. So THANK YOU, (you know who you are ) Because I feel so loved! And I promise to post some pictures! I will have tons of pictures in just a few days when they baby comes, but Ill add one now, just because I said I would.
Here are my two boys! Kimbo just loves Zack and its the last picture I have taken. These two are my world right now, and Zack just has so much love to give. Kimbo is going to learn how to share his daddy because there is a princess coming to town! I just love these two, and they make my life so sweet :)

A few weeks ago, Zack decided to dress up just as his dad would. It was so cute that he looks up to him so much that he wanted to be just like him :)

And here is the baby room. I took this the day that I put up the crib. SO far this is all I have done. That is the bedding with the crib and changer. I am going to put up her name above the crib once we decide on one. And I cant be more excited.

Here is also an update with the pregnancy. So I am officially 40 weeks pregnant and when I was 38 and 2 days I went to the doctor. I was still high, thick, closed, and not dilating. And so I knew it was going to be a little while. At 39 and 2 days, I went back. I was still, high, closed, and not dilating. However, she did say that I was a LITTLE thinner than last time. WOOHOO! But thats really nothing. I have a doctor appt. on tuesday and she will check me one more time. She said we will schedule the induction because she wants to get the baby out around 41 weeks. So she told me she was thinking Thursday, December 1st. I am honestly expecting that this baby is going to have to get forced out of me. My tummy must be really comfortable.

Me and Zack are also getting super anxious, scared, nervous, and excited at the same time. We are so happy to meet her, but sometimes we think about how scary and hard it is going to be. I have been so emotional about it because I just want to be a good mom! I know Zack is going to spoil her and be the best father in the world. And so part of me wants her to stay in there forever, so I cant mess up. But then she will kick me and I remember how I dont get any sleep at night. And I also look down at my feet and they have like 10 lbs of water in each leg. And then Im like, alright, your time is up, GET OUT!

So that is the story with the baby. She could be here any day, but if not, looks like this weekend will be her last. Its not so bad, because I have school and so does Zack. It would be nice to get a little bit more done.

My mom is also flying out on Thursday. Which will be kind of nice because I could be getting induced the same day! But its going to be very nice to have her here to help and give me some advice. I am looking forward to it.

Thank you everyone who has been praying for us and caring enough to look at our blog.

We love you! 

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Only a few weeks left!

When I say that, I mean we have a few events coming up in a few weeks, and I know I need to update what has happened the past month!

October flew by so fast, and I have been busy in school trying to stay good with my grades just in case the baby decided to come earlier then expected. So far no baby and I am not sure when she is going to come out. I am getting really anxious and VERY uncomfortable. I have been having a hard time sleeping and I just am ready to be done. I am 37 weeks and just wish that she would be a surprising entrance NOW.  To update with her kidneys, at my 34 week appt with the high risk specialist, the left kidney is stable. It has been since 28 weeks. It is at a 9mm and I just keep hoping it would go away. She also was a whopping 6 lbs 1 oz already, and that is huge! She used to be smaller for her age, and now she apparently had a huge growth spurt and so that is probably why I have been super uncomfortable. My next appt at my regular doctor and high risk doctor is on tuesday, and I am hoping for good news for both. This will be my last high risk appt before the delivery, and so if the kidney is still dilated, then after she is born, she will need an ultrasound and worst case need a surgery to correct it. I really hope it fixes it self now to the time she is born, because I dont know how I could handle surgery already!!  But we are just ready for her to get here, and have only a few more things we need to get before she gets here. Other then that, we are ready to go. Me and Zack just cant believe the time is finally coming. A few months ago, we were talking about how much time we have until she gets here, and now its like she could come anytime!

School is also going great but we are both ready to be done. Online school this semester has really kicked my butt, and I just keep reminding myself that it is almost over, and then only one more semester like this and Ill be done. It will be a little different having to take care of the baby at the same time, but Zack is super helpful and supportive, I know it can be done.

Zack is also almost done with the semester. He gets a break for Thanksgiving which is going to be very nice since it is when the baby could come and I am glad he will be able to be around just in case. And then he is done in December until later in January, and he I am sure will just be working hard to take care of us.

I am so grateful to have a husband like him who values the importance of working hard for what you want. Working for each dollar, and putting in 100% effort and I am so lucky to be able to call him my husband!

I would also post pictures of myself, but I have been really.......big lately, and feeling like it, and so I refuse to even take a picture. So I will have to get the courage to do so, and Ill post a pic maybe this week :).. maybe

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Its been too long!!

So I havent posted in a long time, and I have been meaning to for weeks! I just feel like we have been so busy and dont want to rush it. So now, Zack is in class and I am sitting out here waiting for him, I figure it is a perfect time to write about what is going on in our lives.

So this pregnancy has been going by really fast. I am a little over 32 weeks now and I already have a feeling she will be coming early. I feel soo NOT prepared, and a little anxious to meet her. We still dont have a name picked out, and honestly have not even talked about one. I think we are really just going to wait and see what she comes out an looks like. I love talking to Zack about the baby and our plans because it makes it all feel so real.

I have been kind of uncomfortable. My belly is getting a ton bigger, and my belly button is starting to go away. I can feel her move a lot more which is such a nice feeling because just a few weeks ago I could barely feel her at all. I am lucky however, that because of my placenta, her kicks dont hurt me at all. They are more like a little tickle but noticable. The only thing I can really complain about is that she really likes to keep her foot in my rib. My right side is like her little play area and she keeps her foot in there all day long and so I cant sit up.

I also have not been sleeping AT ALL. I noticed a few weeks ago that I was not getting as good of a nights sleep and I just thought it could allergies or something because I havent been able to really breathe at night because of it. But some nights I was sleeping, and some nights I was not. Well for the past week I have not slept. I dont really have an issue going to sleep. It takes me my normal 30 minutes to fall asleep, but then I wake up in the night and just cant go back to sleep until the sun comes up. Sometimes I notice I cant breathe and other times I can. So I was really getting frustrated because I feel so exhausted. I know in a few weeks time I wont be getting any sleep from the baby so I was really looking forward to having these last few weeks. Luckily I went to the doctor this morning and told her about it and she prescribed me some ambien. I really hope this works, and am excited to try to sleep tonight!!

Other news, school is going really well for both me and Zack. But it is also very hard. I have been nonstop on the computer doing school work, and that is why I havent been blogging. I just want to get away from the computer once my work is done. And Zack is doing amazing as always and being the best husband he can. I cant wait to see our little princess because I know he is going to spoil her and my heart is just going to melt each time.

Other than that, there are a still a bunch of things I need to get before she comes because dont want to get it to early. Also, Zacks birthday is Sunday, and I dont know what to get him.:)

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Home after a Wonderful Trip!

So we just got back a few nights ago from visiting my family in NJ. It was a blast and it is always hard saying goodbye and coming back home. We got there on a Wed and had a few days to just relax and hang out, and then Saturday there was a baby shower at my house and I had so many people attend! I feel so blessed to have such great family and friends to help share this joyous time with us. So while I was at the shower, Zack went with the guys to see the movie planet of the apes. He had a good time just hanging out with them and then he came home and got to see all the great things we got. We got some of the cutest outfits, and some gift cards, which is handy because we had to haul it all back. Anyways, after I showed Zack how stylish and precious his daughter was going to be, we went to sleep and then woke up and took a trip to Atlantic City! That is where we were most of the week. We stayed at a hotel on the boardwalk and pretty much woke up, went to the beach for a few hours, came back and showered and got ready, and walked the boardwalk and had dinner. It was so much fun, and Zack had a great time in the waves this year. It was pretty rough, probably because of the storm down in Florida, so I had to stay out a little more then I would have liked which is kind of boring, however I had a lot of fun watching Zack in the waves. He also became a master at boogie boarding and it was more entertaining to watch him more then anything. We got some great sun, and it was a nice vacation. Thanks mom and dad for the fun week! We then drove back to the house, got some laundry done, and had a flight the next day. It was a little stressful because we were so tired but all worth it. It was then time to come back to reality. I had a doctors appointment right when I came back which is always nice to look forward to. She is growing well, and I only have about 3 months left. It is a little scary, but super exciting, and we are ready to get the room ready for her arrival.

The doctor gave me an update about her kidneys and I have been a little overwhelmed today. I just feel like I cant catch a break! The one kidney is back to normal which is wonderful, but the other one isnt. And not only that, but it actually got a little worse. So I am a little distraught today and the doctor is sending me to a high risk obgyn for further testing basically. So they called me and I have an appointment next week. I am hoping that it resolves itself, but if not, well, I am not even sure what will happen if not. But of course I have been doing a lot of praying, and we will keep doing so.

Other then that, everything is going good. Zack had to get back to work and he also starts school next week. It is a little hectic, and then I start a few weeks later.

I want to go back on vacation. :)
but dont we all just want to be on vacation all of the time.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


We have had a little bit going on the past few weeks. I am now 23 weeks pregnant and still cant feel movement or kicks. I was a little worried a few weeks ago so I went to the doctor, and they told me that I have an anterior placenta which means it is basically a cushion for the baby when she kicks me. Some say I should be thankful because then I will get a break form bruising my ribs, however I really want to feel her. I want to know that she is ok, and I want Zack to be able to feel his daughter kick also. It is kind of frustrating and stressful, but I know she is ok, and hopefully I will be able to feel her soon. I have been trying daily to feel her, and I will sit and concentrate and nothing. Well, at least I believe it is nothing, but who knows! Zack has been super supportive and really excited to be a dad. We have also been talking about names quite a bit and I think we are at least coming closer to deciding. We made a list the other day of names we both liked, which only consisted of a few and came down that the one Zack liked the most was Brooklyn. I like that name too, and if we can agree than Ill take it! We also had Paisley on there, but he likes Brooklyn better. We are thinking Brooklyn Rae, Brooklyn Paige, or Brooklyn Michelle (since Michelle is my middle name). But it is not in stone, and we havent told anyone that is her name. We are still going to be looking around, but what do you guys think of this name. I think it is kind of cute, but please be honest :). I wont be offended. haha. 

Another big event that happened in our life is a week ago I got laid off at the daycare I was hired at. They were expecting a busy summer and that is part of the reason they hired me for this position. It was 3 hour day job and I was doing fine, but kids were not coming because of the economy and they had to let go of some employees. Of course since I was just hired and part time, I was the logical choice, and I was kind of upset at the time. Just because, Zack works so hard and I feel bad that I am capable of working, and it is all on him. We are both in school, and just with the baby coming, I feel bad putting him in this situation but he has been very helpful and very sweet. I have been looking for a new job, but dont feel like it will happen because I am pregnant. Its getting a lot more difficult to hide, and I was worried, but Zack is very optimistic and letting me know that it is ok. He makes me feel so much better about the situation at hand. 

I am also in the process of packing today because tomorrow we are on our way to NJ! We are so happy to be able to have a little vacation and see family. It is such a relief to be able to go for the week, and we couldnt be more excited. So today, we are going to be packing and getting ready because our flight leaves at 5:47 am tomorrow, which means we need to pack and get some sleep so tomorrow we dont miss our flight. I am also happy that my whole family will be there, because my brother has been on his mission and then at school, we havent all been together. I think it will be a very fun time, and I cant wait! 

Well, hopefully I will have some wonderful pictures to post when we get back from our trip, and I look forward to your thoughts on the name Brooklyn. Or if you have another idea for us. We kind of the the more unique names, but not ones that NO ONE in the world has. Just names that you dont hear as often. :)

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Its a GIRL!

Yes, you read it. It is a GIRL!! Let me just say that I know at first we were hoping for a boy as a first child, but we couldnt be more excited. We are soo excited to be parents and just cant wait until she is here. It is so great to just be able to call it a girl now. I feel like it is becoming so real, and it is just a wonderful miracle. We have still not decided on a name because Zack will not give in to the name Estella. Stella for short. So we are still looking around and seeing what we come up with. Zack also sat there for two hours today and set up the crib that my grandparents bought us. I know it is a little early, however, I am obviously happy and wanted to make sure it looked good and the mattress fit. So hey, why not! I am also about 21 weeks now, and just cant believe how fast time has already flew. I hope the next few months go by fast also. I am also wanting to organize the apartment before she gets here. It is just so cluttered with things we dont use or even need, and want to have a little room.

However, I cant start on that yet because I am super busy with school. I have the rest of this week to finish, and then next week and I am done this semester. I just have a lot to do, and want to get it all done before I start any projects because I am already stressed. But yeah so school is almost over and it has gone great. I am happy just to have a little free time.

We have also been going to the pool lately in our complex. We have been trying to get a little sun before we go visit my family because we know once we get to the beach we will burn hardcore if we dont. So our plan is to get the sunburn out of the way here, so we can tan there. It has been really fun to go and we cant wait to take our little girl to the pool next year.

We are also happy that we have some friends having children around the same time as us. It will be so fun and exciting and we just cant wait to get them all together. It is too bad that ours is a girl and everyone is having boys! I havent had a friend who I met that has had a girl in like 2 years. And so this will be the first one, but interesting still.

Other then that, there is nothing else too exciting in our lives. Work is good, school is almost over, and we are going to have a beautiful daughter in just a few months. Life is good!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Summer.. yes please !

It feels like we have been waiting forever for summer to finally approach. I was getting really worried when it was not nice in June, but finally it has gotten nice and warm. Just in time for  4th of July! I am on the home stretch of school and cant wait for it to be finally over. I am really looking forward to not stressing about it for a little while. I also feel like I have been getting a lot accomplished lately which seems really odd. Our weeks have still been a little routine which bothers me but I know that it will be changing soon. I am also 19 weeks and growing bigger each weeks which is so exciting. We are going to find out the sex of the baby July 13th. I tried to move up my appointment to this coming week but my doctor is not going to be around and they just didnt want to do it until I was 20 weeks. So i guess I will have to just wait a little longer. I am getting pretty ancy because I just want to buy some cute little clothes and such! I am also counting down the days until we get to visit my family. We will be having a baby shower there and that is why I really want to find out what we are having so people can plan accordingly. I know it makes it a lot easier on my family too. As of right now I had to make a registry so that all my family back home can buy me things and have it shipped easily because I cant get it all back with me. I really dont mind at all, but just was not planning on making one. I am also hoping that some of my friends will be able to make it because I have not seen many of them in so long. Anyways, enough about that!

This weekend is great for me because I have a three day weekend. The daycare is closed which makes me very happy. Zack has to work but luckily the restaurant will be closing at 3 which means we will have the night to go watch fireworks. I love fireworks and so does Zack! We wish that we could do some more fun things but its not going to happen. We dream of going camping, fishing, boating, or anything like that. We see people packing up their gear to get ready for a nice weekend away, and we are a little jealous that we are not doing something like that.

Next week I will be taking a poll to see what you all think I am having ! Lets see if you are right :)

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Whats new in our lives?

So things are just so great right now.


 I started a new job a few weeks ago at a daycare and working 2-6 monday through friday. I work with 1-3 year olds and it keeps me very busy and VERY tired. I get hot easily and they wear me out but its fun and goes by pretty fast because I am never bored. So that is going really well.

Zack is still at the same place working and he has been there about a year now. Its so weird to think we have lived in this area a year already. He still likes it and really likes how flexible it is for school.


I am still doing the online school and just signed up for my second to last semester. Its getting difficult but I can see the end coming near. I am just trying to get through the semester and next semester I also made my classes hard so my last semester could be easy (ier ).  I figure I will be almost having the baby next semester but will hopefully have it very close to the end. And then I will have just one more left once the baby is born and it will be very hard but I know I have some great support and that is why I am wanting to make it as easy as possible. So this one ends at the end of July, and I get a break until Sept, and go until Dec. and then I will go from Jan to April and be done!!

Zack was going to do one more semester and CWI but we have decided to send him to Boise State for the Fall. We are still getting in the rest of the paperwork and information but hopefully it all works in our favor. He is so great and doing so well. He is ready to finish and is going to do anything he can to get done ASAP.


Well I am about 17 weeks now! I had my 16 week appointment yesterday and it was quite boring. I went in and I got to hear the heartbeat on the doppler which amazes me everytime. I love hearing it and knowing that the day is coming close where I get to see my sweet angel! We are really looking forward to it. My next appointment is July 13th where I find out what the sex is...... except.....we will NOT be finding out....Dont freak out yet, I said I wouldnt be able to go the whole time not knowing and so we have come to a compromise. Ill tell you when we are going to find out in a minute!


Sunday morning my dad texted me about an hour before church and told me he just got word of a good deal from Boise to NYC. Of course its still not "Cheap" but an AMAZING deal compared to anything we could find. So he told me to look and of course I could get the deal in August which is when we really wanted to go and in about an hours time, we have bought tickets and we are on our way to NJ in August. I am so excited and cant wait to see my family. It all went so fast but I am happy we could get the deal and get on our way. So which brings me to my next point. I was talking with my dad yesterday about the sex of the baby and he was asking me if I really wanted to know what it was and not be suprised. I said I was POSITIVE but Zack actually likes the idea. He told me that they didnt find out with me until a week before and it was fun. I said I couldnt do it but we came up with a great plan. When I go to the doctor I am going to have an envelope written to my parents and have the doctor put what the sex of the baby is in the envelope. It will be sealed and then immediately before I can change my mind be sent in the mail. At first I was going to have my mom open it and know so I could get some boy/girl stuff from my family. I really needed someone to know so I didnt have all neutral colors. We then came up with a new plan. Once it gets there, NO ONE is going to open it. My dad is going to store it and keep it hidden away until I get there. And then we will open it up in front of my family and also have Zacks family on the phone so we could all find out at the same time. I think it is going to be really fun because I know my mom wanted to throw me a shower and I would like to get either boy or girl stuff. So it is going to be so great and I hope I can wait. I am worried that in a few weeks I will change my mind but I think it is fun and a great idea.

That is pretty much what is new in our lives. Our lives have gotten pretty routine and we have been trying to work more to save up for the baby but it will all be worth it in the end. I know that God has a plan for each of us, and that we work hard now, for some amazing blessings later :)

Friday, May 27, 2011

14 weeks and growing..

I had no idea what to even title this post, so I decided I am just going to write it and then see what I end up putting! So I am now 14 weeks pregnant and things are starting to look up! I had started to feel better, but still having some bad days. Mostly it has been happening at nights, but luckily I have no vomiting, except sometimes I just wish I would. We are so excited, and cant wait to finally have our precious child in our arms. So I have been getting a little bigger and been wearing one pair of pants that actually fit. They are starting to get very tight and so I decided just to wear a pair of maternity pants yesterday and of course Zack had to make fun of them for a little while, but I just told him how comfortable I actually was! I could sit and not feel like my stomach was going to explode. The only problem is that it makes me show a lot more then it does when I wear normal pants.  Here is a pic I took with me in my maternity pants, and I dont mind that there my belly is showing its just I barely got a new job and obviously have not said I was pregnant.

I got a job at a local daycare here and finally decided to take it. I have gotten 5 different job offers and decided to turn all of them down. This one finally stuck, and we will see how it goes. I had to get my childcare license today and i start on Tuesday. It will just be from 3-6 Monday-Friday, and I can pick up hours if I want, but school as been kicking my butt. So I just hope I can keep up.

Back to the pregnancy. I have been super emotional lately and just really hope it goes away soon. I feel like I get upset super easily and cry all day long. I just dont know what has been going on, but it has made me feel just lousy. Right now, Zack is working while I am home and just got done with all my homework for the week. And I just feel like putting on my comfy clothes and laying on the couch. I really hope this phase goes away though, like I said, because I dont know how much more Zack can take. He has been very supportive and trying to understand my every emotion but I think its impossible because I barely can tell you what is wrong half of the time.

Another note, We were talking about the sex of the baby last night and he was looking at my tummy and saying "I love you" to it, and its so cute! Well anyways, Zack has been saying that Estella is its name if its a girl, and I HATE it. He has joked with me since we met, or at least I thought it was a joke, and everytime he talks to my stomach he never says a boy name. He always says Estella, and I know Zack said he would love a boy, but I think he knows in his heart that its a girl. And he told me we shouldnt find out what the sex is. I of course said, well I will find out and wont tell him, and he said no no no you cant know either. I am hoping in a few weeks when we find out he will change his mind because I dont think I could go another 5-6 months without knowing.

But I am so proud that I have such a caring husband who is just as excited as I am to have a baby. You can tell that he is so happy and wants the best for our family.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


So I feel as if I have been waiting forever to write this. I have not written on our blog in a few weeks basically because I have been really busy and was just waiting ...................

for this.

YAY! So we went to the doctors this morning and found that I am almost 13 weeks pregnant and will be having this wonderful child at the end of November!! We seriously could not be more excited and are so happy that we are finally going to be parents. I have my next appointment June 14th and just had some routine things done. Nothing to really report. All I can say is that it is growing very nice and healthy and likes to sleep lots. The person doing the ultrasound had to wake it up a few times to get some good measurements for some things. But when it was awake, its little feet and hands were all over the place. It also would put its little hands on its face constantly and was just like, mom leave me alone :). We hope that it likes to sleep this way when it comes out...ugh..I hate calling it and IT. I have been calling it a He all day, basically because I hate not giving it a gender, but decided I cant do it anymore because its not fair :). But I am soooooo in love. Honestly, I had the best day after going in today and feel like there is nothing that can bring me down. 

Zack is going to be the most wonderful father in the world to our children. I know because of how sweet and thoughtful he is to me. He will be amazing and love to spoil and love our children. He will be the favorite, I just know it:). But its all good with me because he deserves it because he is my favorite.

In other news, I am still doing school and working. Zack finished up his semester and did very well. He is also working. We are happy summer is here and it will be a little more relaxing. We hope to be able to visit family and do some fun things before the baby comes.

Friday, April 22, 2011


I just feel so blessed lately! I just wanted to get on here and write a little note.

First of all, my darling husband is too sweet!

I have been having quite a tummy ache and zachary will ask me if there is anything he can get for me. And if there is something I want like water, or crackers, or whatever else to settle my stomach, he will instantly get out and grab it for me. And then ask me a little while later how I am feeling then. He has been so great! I hate when he goes to work because I feel so helpless ha. I actually have to get up myself to get things that I need.


I have not wanted to clean or do anything. I just have been wanting to relax when I am not working or doing school, and he has been doing very very well with cleaning up. He will get up and do dishes without me even having to ask him to do it. He has just been so amazing!

 He has just been treating me like his little princess and it is so precious.  I love it and I love him. I will really have to start doing some more nice things for him soon because he deserves it!

As an update, Zachary is almost done with school. Still doing well, but he is ready for it to be over! He is also still working and we get to do date night once a week.

I have still been working, and school has really started and I am already stressed. I really dont know how I am going to do all online school. I feel so overwhelmed because my day is so routine now, I dont really get anytime just to relax. If I am home, I am doing school, and if i leave its pretty much to go to work and that is it.

Not going to lie, I am getting really sick of it...

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Little about today!

I just want to post a little bit about today! I am in a great mood and me and zachary just had a great day! He didnt have to work, and i did, but it doesnt matter because we got to go out to dinner after :) So we were able to relax this morning and then go out to dinner at night. I love being able to go out and just talk and discuss our future and things that are going on in our lives. I am so in love with him, and I couldnt be more happy! Since we have been back from NJ, we have just been getting our lives back on track. Zack has been back in school and working. And I have also been working and start school in a week! It is such a stressful time, and I am semi looking forward to it. It will really be hard going to work everyday and also taking 14 ONLINE credits. I cant believe I am doing this again, but if I do this for three semesters in a row I will graduate! So I just keep thinking of the end result. I had to change my major to just an online program and that is why I still have 3 more semesters, but its our only logical option right now. It will all work out in the end I am sure. Zack is still doing amazing in school and I really think he is looking forward to the end. He only has a few more weeks and then he will get a well deserved break.

I wish I had more to report on. But I just wanted to get on here and just say how grateful I am for both of our families and the support they give to us. We wouldnt be able to do what we do with them! And of course my wonderful husband, I couldnt keep sane without him.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

What a getaway!

So, I havent updated in a few weeks but I feel as if i have a great excuse! So first off, we have been busy with work and school and such, but then we took a visit to New Jersey to see my family because Kelsey got baptized! I was so excited to be able to be there for that wonderful experience. I cant believe she is already 8 years old! She is seriously my best friend and I cant get enough of that little girl. So we left March 24, which was the day after my brother seans 16th birthday, (dating time?! ) Anyways, we got there very late at night and Kelsey and my mom came to the airport and the next day we just kind of hung out. There is nothing I ever really want to do while I am there. The only thing I want to do is eat some of the amazing food I cant get out here in Idaho. So that is always my goal when i go, to eat as much as i possibly can because i never know when i will be able to again. We did some very fun things this week. We went to a chili cookoff at my parents ward, had a brunch at my grandparents house because we were not able to there for christmas. We then of course had kelsey baptism and then hung out the rest of the week! Again, we ate lots of food, was able to go shopping, and just be together! I have been waiting to find my camera usb because I wanted to post pictures when writing this. So of course I am going to add some pictures of our wonderful trip.

Derek got kelsey and sean boise state shirts for birthday! i have no idea how to rotate this picture. if you want to tell me how great!!

lastly, derek how has been with us for two months is now going to rexburg on friday! It is great that he is getting back to school. We were going to be driving him but now we cant because zack couldnt get off work because he just took off the week before!

I also want to mention grateful I am for some of the things in my life right now!!! I have a wonderful husband and family who support me and things are really starting to look up in life :)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Just a little note

There has been not many too exciting things happening in our life lately! Derek is still here, and will be leaving for school in April. Zack has been still getting up for school and doing an amazing job at it! He then gets home, and works on homework and stuff, while i am at school. And then he works nights! Our life feels so routine, and sometimes its a little frustrating, but hopefully one day it will be a little different. At least we still get to do date night every week and its a good night to just go out and be together for a little without worrying about anything else. Im thankful for my job, and we have really come to realize how grateful we are of each other. We are both willing to work and help out the family because we are able to. Even though we are both in school, and dont get to spend as much time as some other people together, we have come to the conclusion, that one day it will all change, and those that dont work or go to school or take care of beautiful children are lazy :). Sorry for that last little vent! But sometimes when you work so hard for everything, and others things are just handed to them is a little frustrating. At least one day we will not let our children be around people who take advantage of others and sit all day and do nothing :).


Some good news! Next week we are going to NJ to see Kelsey get baptized! I am soo excited to go and thankful we are able to:) I will hopefully post pictures when i get back. Till then we are still loving our new apartment, and each other !

Thursday, March 3, 2011


So far so good! I think so. I have been writing, and the reason i havent the past few days is because we have been moving and had no internet! So on Monday we moved to a new apartment. Zack had school that morning and so it was me and my brother mostly packing up and then we got some help later in the day. Thanks to everyone to helped out! You made the move very easy and we are all moved in for the most part. We love this new apartment for a few reasons. We are a lot closer to everything. Zack is super close to school and work which in nice because he leaves so early. And we are close to everything around like food and shopping. Not like we can do much of that anyways, but its been really nice and fun. Its cozy and we didnt buy cable, but is good because we have been doing a lot more activities which i am thankful for. We have been playing raquetball a lot and i think i am getting pretty good. Not like zack of course, because he is just so good at everything, and i could never compare ;).

I have also been able to get a lot of school done. Zack and Derek are at work tonight, which means i get to spend time doing homework and cleaning, and BLOGGING! see now i can tell you everything about my life because i will have all the time in the world.

Im so thankful for so much in my life. I have a great husband who is my world. We have fun adventures together and i love him to death :). I also have a great family who is always there to talk and help me with whatever i need.

In 3 weeks me and zack get to go to NJ to visit to see kelsey get baptized! I am soooo excited and have been counting down the days basically. I am really looking forward to it because i feel like i really need a vacation

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Here we go again!

I will not i have not been the most patient person. But you know what, i just hope that everyone can just deal with me for one day, and know that tomorrow I will be different. We are moving to a new apartment tomorrow and usually I am really good at packing. I get started early and get everything packed and its very easy and nice. I actually like moving..Let me rephrase..i LIKED moving. I like being able to change up the environment. But let me tell you...Even though I should be a pro right now because we have moved 4 times in the last two years, I am having a hard time. I feel like nothing is packed and i need to get up around 630 tomorrow morning to load a trailor and finish up the cleaning and packing. I just feel like I have so much to do because i do. Luckily I have my brother here to help because Zack has school tomorrow at 7 until about 10 which means ill be doing it all alone. And I really dont want to wake up and already be in a bad mood!! So tomorrow is hopeful. I just want to vent and have everyone not be angry with me for being angry, even if im being a little sour. just let me be! Thats all i have to say. But its an exciting adventure. Luckily I was able to get off work and zack to. So after we get things packed and loaded, i need to get to the new apartment before anyone else to finish up some last minute things, and then unload and then go back to the old apartment and finish cleaning so i can hand in my keys and get it checked. It will be a busy day!

I am also trying to figure out how to make my blog pretty. I want a new background and cool things and so if you wanna help me..i will take any advice!! You also have to find me the perfect background to. Im pretty open!

I have also been going through pictures lately and i just want to show you one of the first pictures that me and zack were in together.

Some things never change

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Lets try this again!

Ok I must admit, it has been almost a YEAR since the last time I have updated anyone. Let me say this is my defense, I had so much going on, but i am really going to try harder to make this a habit. I think it is going to be one of my goals. Well lets start off with some of the important things. Last May, we moved to Boise. Woohoo! Its so nice being close to family and we are really happy here. Zack started school as CWI which is a two year school here. He is doing so well! He finished up a semester in December and then we celebrated our two year anniversary in. It was great. We are so happy and the time went by so fast! He got a job also at a pizza and pasta place here. He enjoys it. He is a server and it really works well with his. school schedule. I then did Byu idaho online just to keep up some of my classes while working as a nanny for a family nearby. Its a really neat job and it keeps me busy which is good. Zack is now in another semester, and it is a little harder, but he is still doing really great and he is excited to be done already! I am also in school as i have decided to finish up a degree online. So no more going to classes for me! I am really excited about it because then once we have children( which we hope will be soon ) I will be able to study and be at home :) In a few days we are moving to a new apartment and are really excited about it. It will be closer to school for zack and he gets up at 6 every morning for class. So i am in the process of packing and trying to get things ready so we can move and also keep up on our homework. We are really staying busy, but we enjoy it overall. We couldnt be happier and more in love. And just hope that we can add some happiness to our life soon :)