Tuesday, May 17, 2011


So I feel as if I have been waiting forever to write this. I have not written on our blog in a few weeks basically because I have been really busy and was just waiting ...................

for this.

YAY! So we went to the doctors this morning and found that I am almost 13 weeks pregnant and will be having this wonderful child at the end of November!! We seriously could not be more excited and are so happy that we are finally going to be parents. I have my next appointment June 14th and just had some routine things done. Nothing to really report. All I can say is that it is growing very nice and healthy and likes to sleep lots. The person doing the ultrasound had to wake it up a few times to get some good measurements for some things. But when it was awake, its little feet and hands were all over the place. It also would put its little hands on its face constantly and was just like, mom leave me alone :). We hope that it likes to sleep this way when it comes out...ugh..I hate calling it and IT. I have been calling it a He all day, basically because I hate not giving it a gender, but decided I cant do it anymore because its not fair :). But I am soooooo in love. Honestly, I had the best day after going in today and feel like there is nothing that can bring me down. 

Zack is going to be the most wonderful father in the world to our children. I know because of how sweet and thoughtful he is to me. He will be amazing and love to spoil and love our children. He will be the favorite, I just know it:). But its all good with me because he deserves it because he is my favorite.

In other news, I am still doing school and working. Zack finished up his semester and did very well. He is also working. We are happy summer is here and it will be a little more relaxing. We hope to be able to visit family and do some fun things before the baby comes.


Justin and Carissa said...

Congratulations!!! We are so excited for you guys. And such a sweet ultrasound picture. There is nothing like seeing your little baby for the first time. And I know how you feel about calling it "it." I always just call it baby-even after we know what it is. Hope you are feeling well.

Zachary and Rachel Toomey said...

see now we will finally have babies around the same age so they can be friends! Except I am telling you, as much as I want a boy, it has to be a girl. ha. But i am starting to feel a little better. I still am not eating but its getting better :)