Thursday, February 16, 2012

2 1/2 months LOTS OF PICS INCLUDED !

So we have been extremely busy the past few months. This post is long overdue, but I figure better late then never!

December was pretty exciting. We had Christmas with Zacks family and actually stayed there for a few weeks. It was great to be able to have so much help with our little Paisley and see family.

In January another exciting event happened. Paisley had her baby blessing and Grandma and Grandpa Berta flew out to be able to attend. It was so great, and the sweetest blessing I have ever heard. She was able to be blessed by her daddy and we had both grandpas and uncle nic be able to be part of it.

After the blessing, me and Paisley flew out with my parents to go visit the rest of my family. It was so hard to leave Zack, but it was also very nice to be able to spend time with my family, and let the rest of my family meet Paisley.

While we were there, we went to the mall, out to eat, saw Paisleys Great grandparents. It was so much fun. We also were lucky enough to hang out with Zacks longtime friend! I know how much Zack loves and trusts him, and we wanted him to be able to meet our little princess. Paisley did suprisingly VERY well on the flight. It was a little scary because she did better on the flight then she does anywhere else. We were there for 2 1/2 weeks, and then Zack came and picked us up.

I miss being near my family so much. Its really difficult to raise Paisley and miss my family because I wish they had the opportunity to be around her more.

Paisley also has some great milestones. She is laughing a lot now, and super strong. She tries to pick up her head all of the time, and her legs are ALWAYS moving. She also loves to talk and mimc our sounds. It is so cute! She also has rolled over a few times. She can do it both ways, but she has not exactly mastered it yet. She sometimes has a hard time getting over her arm.

She will be 3 months soon, and it has flown by! She is 23 inches long and weighs in at 11.6! She also looks identical to her daddy. It is so cute!!

Paisley and Mommy going to bed :)

Paisley playing with daddy!

Paisley in her blessing dress.

Paisley and Grandma Berta!

Paisley sleeping like a weirdo on mommy :)

Paisley and daddy in the Newark airport going back to IDAHO :(

We just love our little girl. Our sweet family!

Still a little too small for it, but adorable!

Paisley and Uncle Sean playing Madden 12 !

Paisley and Grandpa Berta watching superbowl. She loved it!

Us just being silly!

Paisley being nosey with grandma!

Paisley with Great Grandma Berta

Paisley at church

Smiling for the camera!

Paisley and Aunt kelsey in their matching dresses!

Mommy and Paisley playing around 


Justin and Carissa said...

So glad you got to visit your family. I can't believe Paisley is rolling over already-way to go!

Moll said...

Rachel! She is beautiful! So happy for you guys. Hope all is well, I miss the good times :)