Thursday, November 29, 2012

Paisley is ONE!!

Alright, so I obviously am not the best blogger, but hey, as long as I write the important information down, like Paisleys first birthday, I think that is alright! To start off with, we have been busy. Zack has been going to school all day, and then working at night. And Paisley has been keeping me on my toes for sure.
She is walking and has been since 8 1/2 months. Now she is very good at it, and is getting into everything. Here is a little bit of what Paisley likes and dislikes.

The cat
Animal crackers
blowing bubbles
putting on her shoes
throw her hands up when we say touchdown
chicken nuggets ( yes she is a very picky eater )
sweets ( mommys girl for sure)
mac and cheese
being outside

Being held like a baby
being told no
putting clothes on
baby food
car rides
Strangers( mostly men )
kisses ( haha)

This past year, Paisley has been the best thing to happen in our lives. At times, it has been the hardest job in the world, but we are reminded of how worth it, it is when we hear her laugh and smile. Paisley is very independant and likes to do things by herself. She likes to eat by herself and walk by herself. She also likes to pick out her own toys and what snacks she eats. She has a mind of her own, and knows what she wants!

For her 1 year old stats
 21. 4 for weight
29.25 for height
18.25 head    (still has a big head, thank you daddy :) )

She is growing perfectly and is so strong.She likes being a big girl and playing with the other children.

We also had to celebrate Paisleys birthday a little early this year because Grandpa Toomey was only in town for a few days. It was so fun to see her eat cake and open her presents.

As you can see, we had such a great time celebrating our little princess's birthday. She is the light of our lives, and we are better people because of her. One year ago she made us parents, and we only hope that we can be a better one each day to come.

We love you our dearest Paisley and cant wait to have you for forever!

1 comment:

Justin and Carissa said...

Happy Birthday Paisley!! I can't believe she is one. We sure miss playing with her.